$XAI Swap

XAI Swap is your go-to platform for fulfilling all your Ethereum needs. Whether you're looking to exchange Ethereum for other cryptocurrencies, diversify your portfolio, or engage in DeFi activities, XAI Swap offers a seamless and intuitive platform. With the integration of MEVBlocker technology, XAI Swap provides robust protection against front-running bots. MEVBlocker ensures that your transactions are safeguarded from manipulation and unfair practices, allowing for secure and transparent trading experiences. Experience the convenience and security of XAI Swap with MEVBlocker – your trusted Ethereum solution awaits!

About $XAI

Established in April 2023, xAI was the first Elon Musk and AI related Memetoken. We have been preaching that AI would become, not only the dominant narrative for the human race, but for Crypto too. We were first to call it and we’ve been proved right! During this time, Elon Musk has established himself as the leading global influencer for artificial intelligence, and his xAI company is becoming a dominant force to be reckoned with. We all know what happens to Elon Musk related meme tokens, so XAI offers the best potential in the whole Defi space. With a narrative that is set to last for the next 3-5 years. We are one of the safest plays in the Defi space, with insane liquidity (locked and burned), 0% tax, renounced contract, no dev and great wallet distribution. So join XAI as we lead the AI Memecoin revolution!!!

About $XAI

$XAI is an ERC20 community driven project. We have no dev, no tax, no presale, and no private sale. We are a Meme coin inspired by Elon Musk’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) company xAI Corp.

Meet Grokfather

Grokfather will dominate the crypto meme space

Trust & transparency

We have a thriving community with passion, vision, trust, content, new ideas, motivation, and collective wisdom. Everything is disclosed in our telegram and our active community has input into all things $XAI




Native Network


Maximum Supply

1,000,000,000 $XAI

Liquidity Pool

100% burned




Buy 0% / Sell 0%


In short space of time, so much has been achieved by the community. There is a clear roadmap with the ultimate aim of dominating the crypto AI narative.

How to buy $XAI

Use Uniswap/Swap to Buy $XAI. You can swap Ethereum or any other cryptocurrency for $XAI Token or use credit card.

Get DeFi Wallet

From The App Store or Google Play store, for free. or add the desktop browser extension on Google Chrome by going to metamask.io

Send ETH to Metamask

You can buy ETH directly through Metamask or you can transfer some from another wallet or crypto exchange. You can follow tutorials on Youtube if you get stuck on this step.

Connect to xAI Swap

Go to swap.xai-eth.net. Connect your wallet with xAI Swap and swap your $ETH for $XAI. ‍When wallet asks for your signature go ahead and click sign.


Ultimately the community are the team who are all actively engaged. However a core team of representatives has been selected from the community and comprises of business professionals, crypto enthusiasts, influencers and callers to ensure the success of this project.


Latest updates and insights on the fascinating world of Elon Musk, one of the most innovative and visionary entrepreneurs of our time. We are not affiliated with Elon Musk, X Corp, or xAI Corp, but we are dedicated to keeping our readers informed about the latest developments in his businesses.


Some of the frequently asked questions from our investors.

Yes, liquidity has been 100% burnt. Contract is renounced and we have no taxes!

Even better, liquidity was burnt at launch, so it is essentially locked FOREVER.

XAI can be bought on any reputable DeFi swap. You can buy XAI using xAI Swap here.

We are a Meme coin inspired by Elon Musk’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) company xAI Corp. We have a thriving community, passion, vision, trust, content, new ideas, motivation, and collective wisdom.

Investors can connect with each other in a dynamic community on Telegram.

To contact the team members, you can find us on our TELEGRAM, send us an EMAIL, or reach out to us through the Twitter profiles displayed on our website’s team section.

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